Cloud Foundational Engineer Bootcamp
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Cloud Computing
Delivery methods
On-Site, Virtual
3-4 days
This hands-on course gives students the knowledge and experience to provide support for cloud-based and hybrid implementations. Students learn how to manage systems that leverage cloud-native technologies and understand hybrid cloud connectivity solutions.
Learning objectives
- Review core infrastructure fundamentals
- Understand on-premises/cloud hybrid connectivity
- Manage source code and versions using Git
- Implement containers using Docker
- Orchestrate container deployment using Kubernetes
- Automate deployment resources using Infrastructure as Code tools
- Leverage Terraform for automation
Who should attend
Engineers, Business Technology Analysts, and consultants with skills in:
- Fundamental understanding legacy/cloud infrastructure
- Scripting and/or development
- Automation of infrastructure
- Configuration management
The course includes hands-on labs, tutorials, and instructor demos to provide attendees with a chance to get hands-on experience with the topics covered. A case study is used throughout the course to demonstrate the concepts. Cloud accounts are also provided for use in the course to perform the cloud-based activities.
Course outline
- Virtualization (Summary/Overview/Demos)
- Virtual Machines (VMs)
- Hypervisors (VMWare, Hyper-V, KVM, XEN)
- Containers
- Pros and cons of Containers vs. VMs
- Monolithic vs. Microservice Applications
- Container Orchestration
- Networking (Summary/Overview/Demos)
- Understanding addressing and subnetting basics
- Routed Networks
- Software Defined Networking (SDN)
- Traffic Engineering
- Activity: Networking in Action
- Databases/Data Warehouses (Summary/Overview/Demos)
- Overview of Databases/Data Warehouses
- Differences
- Migration Issues
- Activity: Creating a Relational Database
- Activity: Creating a No-SQL Database
- Data Warehouse Demonstration
- Phases in a Successful Migration
- Migration Issues
- Connecting On-Premises Networks to the Cloud
- Migrating to the Cloud
- Git
- Basic Git Commands
- Creating Repositories
- Cloning Repositories
- Activity: Using Git
- Git Repositories
- GitHub
- AWS CodeCommit
- Google Source Repositories
- Tagging
- Branching and Merging Strategies
- Activity: Branching and Merging
- Understanding Docker
- Containers
- Images
- Using Docker
- Basic Docker Commands
- Dockerfile
- Building Docker Images
- Starting Containers
- Stopping Containers
- Deleting Containers and Images
- Activity: Docker: Building Images & Running Containers
- Deploying Docker Containers
- Container Registries (local, remote, public)
- Push and Pull
- Docker Compose
- Activity: Deploying Docker Containers
- Kubernetes concepts and terminology
- Kubernetes Architecture
- kubectl
- Kubernetes Clusters
- Managed Kubernetes services
- Activity: Creating a Kubernetes Cluster
- Kubernetes
- Basic Kubernetes Commands
- Pods
- Deployments
- Labels
- Services
- Autoscalers
- Health Checks
- Liveness and Readiness Probes
- Activity: Deploying Applications with Kubernetes
- Rolling Updates
- Blue/Green Deployments
- Canary Releases
- Activity: Updating Containers with Zero Downtime
- Kubernetes Security
- Namespaces
- Role-Based Access Control
- Encryption
- Secrets
- Network Policies
- Activity: Restricting Network Traffic with Network Policies
- Automating Infrastructure Deployment
- Scripts
- APIs
- Infrastructure as Code Templates
- Infrastructure as Code Fundamentals
- Leveraging Cloud Infrastructure
- Infrastructure on Demand
- Disposable Infrastructure
- Cloud Formation
- Deployment Manager
- Resource Manager
- IaC Tools
- Scripts
- Ansible
- Terraform
- Chef
- Leveraging Cloud Infrastructure
- Terraform
- Support for Different Environments
- On-premises
- Cloud-based (AWS, GCP, Azure)
- Building Infrastructure with Terraform
- Activity: Deploying Infrastructure with Terraform
- Modifying Existing Infrastructure with Terraform
- Deleting Infrastructure with Terraform
- Previewing Changes with an Execution Plan
- Activity: Modifying Existing Infrastructure with Terraform
- Managing Implicit and Explicit Dependencies
- Initialize Deployed Servers with Provisioners
- Parameterize Configurations with Input Variables
- Defining Outputs to Returning Values from the Deployed Configuration
- Activity: Deploying a Kubernetes Cluster with Terraform
- Support for Different Environments
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- Automated Builds
- Continuous Delivery (CD)
- CI/CD Pipelines
- Activity: Creating an Automated Pipeline to Deploy to Kubernetes