Python Beyond the Basics
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Delivery methods
On-Site, Virtual
2 days
Python is a powerful, portable, object-oriented, open-source programming language. This course picks up where the Python Programming Essentials course ended. Coverage includes higher-level Python programming concepts such as iterators, generators, file and database IO, and performance issues. This class is approximately 65% hands-on.
Note: This course uses Python 3.12 and can be taught on Linux or Microsoft Windows.
Learning objectives
In this course, you will learn how to create Python programs that:
- Increase efficiency using iterators and generators
- Access the Python standard library
- Automate with the operating system
- Match text patterns using regular expressions
- Perform unit testing with pytest
- Use the debugger
- Access a database with parameterized SQL statements
- Use logging
- Work with documentation and commenting
- Use type hinting
- Use Git repositories
Who should attend
Anyone who has mastered the foundational tools of the language and wishes to explore some more advanced features of the language.
Anyone who has used Python and has experience with:
- Variables and types
- Collections
- Looping and testing
- Creating functions
- Creating classes with attributes and methods
- Managing the exception handler
- Accessing external modules and packages
Course outline
- Iteration
- Iterators
- Generator Comprehensions
- Generator Functions
- OS Interface Introduction
- Parsing the Command Line
- Text Pattern Matching using Regular Expressions
- Creating Subprocesses for Operating System Automation
- What Are Unit Tests?
- Pytest Framework
- Test Discovery
- Reusing Testing Function through Parameterization
- Introduction to a Database
- Connecting to the Database
- Executing SQL from Python with a Cursor
- Retrieving using SELECT Statements
- Modifying the Database with INPUT and UPDATE Statements
- Using Parameterized SQL Statements
- Logger Objects
- Creating and Capturing Log Messages at Different Levels
- Formatting Log Messages
- Deploying the Debugger
- Stepping Through Code and Inspecting Variables
- Setting Breakpoints
- Adding Comments
- Creating Docstrings for functions, classes, and modules
- Accessing built-in help
- Pydoc
- Adding Typing Hints for Basic Types
- Hinting on Function Signatures
- typing Module
- Creating Custom Types for Hinting
- Creating a Git Repository
- Committing Updated Files
- Accessing Update History
- Accessing Additional Repositories
- Branching