• Databricks
  • Data Engineering

Intro to Python for Data Science and Data Engineering

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Learning Track

Data Engineering

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Delivery methods

On-Site, Virtual

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1 day

This course is intended for complete beginners to Python to provide the basics of programmatically interacting with data. The course begins with a basic introduction to programming expressions, variables, and data types. It then progresses into conditional and control statements followed by an introduction to methods and functions. You will learn the basics of data structures, classes, and various string and utility functions. Lastly, you will gain experience using the pandas library for data analysis and visualization as well as the fundamentals of cloud computing. Throughout the course, you will gain hands-on practice through lab exercises with additional resources to deepen your knowledge of programming after the class.


  • Utilize the Databricks workspace as a programming environment

  • Navigate the Python documentation

  • Use Python’s built-in data types and functions

  • Employ programming constructs, such as conditional statements and loops

  • Create and use custom functions and classes

  • Manipulate various data structures

  • Conduct data analysis using the pandas library

  • Create data visualizations using multiple packages

  • Explore the fundamental building blocks of cloud computing



Course outline

  • Introduction to the Databricks environment
  • Python overview
  • Variables and data types
  • Complex data types
  • Control flow
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Classes
  • Using libraries
  • Data analysis with pandas
  • Advanced methods in Pandas
  • Data visualization
  • Cloud computing 101
  • Capstone and next steps 

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