Case Study: Training Enabling Migration to Google Cloud

The challenge

A large telecom industry organization needed to migrate key business processes from AWS to Google Cloud in a very condensed time frame to meet important internal deadlines. The migration involved global work streams across several continents and time zones who need Google Cloud training – fast!

The solution

ROI Training coordinated with Google account managers to survey the customer’s global stakeholders to elicit training requirements. With more than 900 responses, ROI quickly solidified training needs and customized content to fit each workstream’s priorities.

Within one week in late December, ROI Training built a global training schedule to address these training needs. Classes were scheduled, instructors were brought up to speed on the needs of attendees and organizational goals, logistics were finalized, invitations were sent and attendees were confirmed.

ROI Training’s program management expertise enabled this global training initiative to be up and running within three weeks of initial conversations.

The results

  • Over 4 weeks in January, ROI Training delivered 11 virtual (live, Instructor-led) and 22 in-person Google Cloud training events on 4 continents to 887 attendees.
  • ROI worked closely with key Google stakeholders to coordinate logistics and ensure smooth operations for all involved.
  • ROI’s expert instructors tailored course content on-the-fly to meet the needs of each class of attendees while maintaining standardization of overall training goals.
  • Customer was very pleased with the speed of program delivery and has requested additional training by ROI.
  • Class evaluation scores show an average Trainer Technical Score of 4.66 (on Google’s 5-point evaluation scale).
  • Google was very pleased with ROI’s ability to deliver a significant training program with short ramp time and quality results:

Google embarked on an ambitious Google Cloud training journey for a large global customer. This training program was meant to touch at least 1,000 people in under a couple of months. ROI’s dedicated partnership, flexibility, and seemingly limitless patience allowed us to together deliver an unprecedented training campaign that spanned across the globe. If it weren’t for ROI, we would not have been able to execute as comprehensive of a training plan as smoothly as we did. Thank you ROI for the great partnership and I look forward to working with you in the near future to bring GCP adoption to the masses!

— Technical Account Manager, Google

Attendee testimonials:

Excellent course, learned a vast amount. Now feel confident navigating around the Google Cloud console & using multiple features/tools to set up various environments.

— Virtual EMEA Learner

Learned a lot: the material was communicated in a memorable and intuitive way, so the class could move at a steady pace without being confusing.

— Learner (California location)

Learned more about networking in this two-day class than I think I did the first three weeks of my network course in college.

— Learner (Utah location)

Best trainer I have had in awhile.

— Learner (Utah location)

Instructor is a subject matter expert and provided good real life examples which made understanding the concepts. Instructor was enthusiastic and eager to provide additional information during break away discussions.

— Learner (Pune, India location)

I have no Google Cloud experience, so this was great training around networking fundamentals. The Qwiklabs environment was really useful to help try some of the material.

— Learner (Virtual US West Coast)